By Taking Any Of Our Health Plans You Are Guaranty To Attain Full Health & Over Come Any Present Or Future Challenges.

Combo Pack #1. The All In One Healthy Plan
With This Combo Pack, You are preventing, curing, and revitalizing Your body Against any health challenges be it future or present...
Eye Solution Organic Medication For Prevention & Cure Against All Eye Problem, Also Revitalization Of The Eye.
Blood Pressure Medication/Blood Vessel Cleaner;
Urinary/Infection Cleanser & Libido Revitalization:
Body Sugar Cleanser & Pancreas Revitalization:
Immune Booster & Vitamin Supplement:
Reason: Prevention, Cure & Revitalization Of The Eye, Kidney, Blood Pressure, Urinary, Man Power, Immune Booster, Blood Sugar Balance
Intake Measure: Once Every 2 Years

Pack 1 #2. The Blood Vessel Cleanser
Blood Vessel Cleanser/Hypertension Medication (Antihypertensive) is a natural remedy which helps Cleanse Your Blood Vessel from all unhealthy build up & Blockage.
It brings your blood pressure to normal and maintain it.
This Option can serve as a supplement to treat, cure or prevent and deliver substantially great benefits in controlling, Preventing stroke and hypertension.
Occasional intake for both men and women will reduce, Prevent and normalize blood pressure, reduce risk of hypertension, risks of heart diseases, systolic blood pressure, blood vessel functions, get rid of blood vessel problems and make the blood vessel elastic whereby allowing free flow of blood.
To bring your blood pressure under control and prevent any disease such as heart attack and stroke, it’s highly recommended you start taking our natural products.
Benefits:Clean Up the Blood Vessel
Regulate proper Blood Flows From The Heart to Every part of the body without Obstruction.
It helps you to maintain healthy blood pressure.
It helps to reduce the chance of stroke or hypertension.
It helps to maintain a healthy heart.

Eye Care Medication & Supplement
The Eye Care Option is a Medication that helps revitalize the EyeSight of it's function, Preventing Curing the Eyes from present and future Eye Challenges.
Health Benefits Of The Eye Medication:
Helps eradicate and prevents Night Blindness, Cataract, Blink Blink Before Clear Vision Problems, Short Sightedness, Farsightedness, itchy Eyes, Watery Eyes, Low Vision Power, High Light Sensitivity And Generally Revitalize the Eye of It's Functions.

PACK #3. The Immune Revitalization & Body Empowerment
Immunity Medication & Vitamin Supplement (Boost Your Immunity) is a combination of powerful herbs used to build and support the immune system, fight bacteria, detoxify and purify the blood, fight bacteria, cleanse the lymphatic system, promote healing and Adds vitamin to the Body to be able to supplement for the Vitamin your body needs.
Get the Immunity Booster and Vitamin Supplement occasionally to Strengthen and Revitalize your immunity.
Health Benefits of the Immunity MedicationBoost your immunity
Quicker Recovery Time
Add more Vitamins to the Body for Revitalization.
Fight bacteria
Cleanses and purify the blood
Energizes the body
Eliminate free radicals

PACK #4. The Prostate, Kidney Cleanser, Urinary And Man Power Medication
Prostate Healthy Organic Medication
Is a combination of Herbal Roots Used By Pharmaceutical Industries To Combat, Prevent & Treat Prostate Enlargement Effectively & Permanently.
Features & Benefits
Dandelion Prostate Medication also helps improve the immune system. Herbalists use dandelion root to detoxify the liver and gallbladder, and dandelion leaves to help kidney function & Shrink Enlarged Prostate.

PACK #2. The Sugar Balance & Diabetes Medication
Immunity Medication & Vitamin Supplement (Boost Your Immunity) is a combination of powerful herbs used to build and support the immune system, fight bacteria, detoxify and purify the blood, fight bacteria, cleanse the lymphatic system, promote healing and Adds vitamin to the Body to be able to supplement for the Vitamin your body needs.
Get the Immunity Booster and Vitamin Supplement occasionally to Strengthen and Revitalize your immunity.
Health Benefits of the Immunity MedicationBoost your immunity
Add more Vitamins to the Body for Revitalization.
Fight bacteria
Cleanses and purify the blood
Energizes the body
Eliminate free radicals
How Much Does Our Health Packages Cost
The All In One Combo Pack For Eye, Kidney, Prostate, Blood Vessel Cleanser, Body Sugar Regulator & Energy Immune Booster = N25,000
Semi Health Packages Cost
Eye & Immune Pack For Eye Revitalization, Quicker Recovery Time, Fight Bacteria, Blood Cleansing & Purification, Prevention & Cure Of Old Age Eye Health Challenges Like Poor EyeSight, Cataract, Night Blindness, itchy Eyes, Watery Eyes, Low Vision Power, High Light Sensitivity = N14,500
Blood Vessel Cleanser & Immunity Pack For Clean Up The Blood Vessel, Regulate Proper Blood Flow, For Treatment & Prevention of Stroke & Hypertension , Heart Disease Prevention = N14,500
Sugar Regulator Plus Immune Medication: N14,500
Urinary, Man Power, Kidney Cleanser & Immunity Revitalization Medication = N14,500